Wednesday, 28 January 2009


A story where a kids curiosity led her into a world of unknown. Where just because she decided she would involve her brother and friend it led her down the path to his answer. It started on a regular snowy December day (the sixteenth I think), Charlie & Alison just had arrived at their house. Charlie got the mail as usual.

“A package? For Mom? What is it?” Charlie asked as he went though the mail.

“I’ll take that!” His mom said picking it up as she passed. She darted in the living room with the package as soon as she walked in and then came right back in with out a package.

“Hmmmm… Thinking what I’m thinking?” Charlie said as he heard the door slam.

“Yep those packages are suspicious and so are these cookies lets inspect them. Here!”

“Ally I’m serious, what Christmas present could it be? And for whom?” Charlie said pondering about the thought.

“First let’s get the package!” Ally said drinking out of a juice box and finishing her cookie. “If I was a mysterious package where would I hide?”

“Let me see; how about…” Charlie said getting cut off.

“Found it!” Ally exclaimed holding it up in the air “Now go to the computer and type in………, NOW!” Alison said as she acted large and in charge. She was seating in a wooden chair that was painted black. The dim light from the fading sun was the only light visible in the room. The chair made shadows. It reminded Charlie of the head villain in an evil corporation ordering his evil minions to find out what the good guys were planning.

“Here it is!” Charlie said.

“Username and password? I’ll be right!” Ally said grabbing the phone. “Hey, Will how much do you know about hacking into a computer? Excellent; now ride your bike over here with your equipment a sap!”

It took about five seconds for Will to arrive at the door step with a silver briefcase. He got on the computer as soon as he walked in.

“First I’ll do something simple!” He typed things that looked like a secret code. It
looked like it was crying out to be deciphered.

Charlie thought of it as if it were a spy that worked for the evil corporation was sending a message to the head villain. Charlie was pretty smart for an eleven year old. He was advanced in class he took except band and gym; he was the smartest kid in the whole sixth grade in that county. Alison was advanced in everything but a couple classes, which made her one of the smartest seventh graders in the county (That was really good for a thirteen year old too).

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