Tuesday, 7 April 2009

American Idol

America’s Top Show Has Picked Its Top Eight
By Katie Stewart

America’s favorite reality show, American Idol, is back and building tension in the air. People are realizing the singers that hypnotized them and left them longing for more may not keep cruising down the road if they don’t start voting. The topic has fans agreeing and arguing about whose hot and who is not, but whichever side is right the other one doesn’t care and won’t stop until the end of season 8 when they’ll be proven right.

This season is a season of firsts. A big addition to Idol was their fourth judge; Kara DioGuardi. The singer/songwriter has worked with many past Idols. She is a girl who brings spice and conflict to the show because she is not afraid to speak her mind. With Kara, you either love her or hate her, but no matter what you think you have to admit she added a lot to the show.

Another big that that was a shocker to contestants and the audience was something Simon revealed on “The Wild Card Show.” When they were down to the last two possible people to be in the Top 12, Simon told the judges’ choice. No one could of predicted what he was about to say. Anoop had just heard the other contestant’s name called. Simon Cowell said, just as you saw Anoop’s face start to droop, that this year they were making it a top 13, and he was the 13th contestant. When the 13 contestants arrived on the big stage, they found out another surprise. The judges can save a person from elimination if it is before the Final Five.

For Jasmine and Jorge, the big state was too much and the Michael Jackson songs weren’t good enough to have the judges save either of them.

The next week, the Top 11 sung “Grand Ole Opry.” Little powerhouse, jazzy Alexis’ Jolene didn’t agree with the public or the judges so they sent the petite little blonde home.

After the said good-bye to Alexis Grace, the Top 10 sang Motown songs. Michael, the roughneck with a baby at home, got compliments from “Smokey,” but not from the judges. He left with a smile on his face because he was coming home to a great baby and wife.

When the Top Nine sung songs from top downloads, Megan chose to turn the lights down low. The judges said Bob Marley just ain’t for her and so did the voters. She came home and went back to being a singer mother, but Megan Joy is still full of joy.

Which leaves us with our Top Eight on American Idol.

Adam is the crazy boy rocker and he and judges have a love/hate relationship. Paula has compared him to the best and Simon has called his song “indulgent nonsense.”

Which brings us to another rocker. Allison is a 16-year-old powerhouse rocker who the judges have fallen in love with. The real redhead has been torn down about her wardrobe though. She had “spikey-roll-out-of-bed hair” and a very rockesque outfit. Kara made the point that for Allison it doesn’t matter what she wears because no matter what rock vibes are just flowing out of her. Randy like that she sported her guitar.

“Anoop Dog is back” is how Randy Jackson put it. Anoop is a soulful pop artist that has had his ups and downs, but he has stayed a consistent threat to the rest of the competition.

Speaking of soulful singers, those words pretty much sum up Danny. Oh wait, three words would describe him, not two. AMAZING soulful singer! The spiked brown hair singer’s pipes continue to get great comments. The only thing about him the judges down agree on is his crazy-in-your-room-listening-to-tunes-freestyle-dancing. It might look a little crazy, but it’s not supposed to look good, choreographed or anything like that because it’s not. You know, it’s just one of those moves you do when you are having fun and you’re feeling the music and want to show it.

“L’il Rounds, I can guarantee you’ll be back for many more L’il Rounds!” is how Paula put it. L’il is a mother of three who put her dreams on hold so she could hold down the household. But when their house got destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, she wanted to make money so they could get a new one and she tried out for American Idol and became an instant judge favorite.

Scott Macentie has loved music since he was a little kid. He has had a hard life since he is legally blind. His performances have gotten great feedback. Besides singing, Scott’s other musical love is the piano. Paula told him she loves how good and comfortable he is with it, but would like to see him variable and be a stage man while he works the crowd without a piano.

Kris is a singer who in this competition has taken many big risks that have paid off. He keeps defying himself and changing songs to better complement his vocal range. Paula Abdul said “You made a 30-year-old song sound like it is the first time I have ever heard it.”

Which brings us to Matt, a pop artist that throws in a little soul and hip-hip influence. He plays the keyboard in many of his songs. With some major ups and downs, he has definitely made some fans that will support him even if he loses.

So clear your schedule on Tuesday and Wednesday and check your local listings to find out when American Idol will be on your TV. Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson and Kara DioGuardi will be there to summarize the performances. Ryan Seacreast will be the host that will guide you through the show. So if you’ve never watched before, this is the season to start!

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